Wednesday 20 December 2017

'PUBG' On Xbox One Is A Black Eye For Both Microsoft And Bluehole

There is a bit of controversy surrounding the recent revision of IGN for PlayerUnknown's Battleground on Xbox One, which gave 5 out of 10.

People think that is too high.

That should tell you something about the current state of PUBG on Xbox One, a port absurdly rushed with horrific framerate rates among other technical difficulties. Things are a bit better on the powerful Xbox One X, but all the horsepower in the world can not save a game that simply is not optimized correctly for consoles.

It's hard to say how bad this looks for Bluehole and for Microsoft, considering how much they had both traveled on PUBG coming to Xbox One before this.

Bluehole has made headlines recently for complaining about its competition, saying that many other games are stealing the format and real characteristics of the battle of PUBG, but it is at times like this when you can point and say "please concentrate on improving your own game " There seems to be a rush for consoles to compete with Fortnite, which has been there for a while and accumulated a large player base with far fewer problems than we are seeing here with this port of PUBG.

This is also bad news for Microsoft, a company that has not had a significant exclusive to differentiate the Xbox from the Sony PlayStation and, at least, land in PUBG even if it was assumed that a temporary exclusive would be a great victory for them, and one of the most important games of the holiday season. Xbox One Xs now comes with PUBG included with them.

 It is not known exactly when these problems will be solved completely in Xbox One (a patch will be released today to address some of them, fortunately), but you only have one chance to make a first impression, and many players can find themselves going to Fortnite or continue playing on PC instead of dealing with what in its current state is a really terrible port. Microsoft can spend an important part of this "exclusive year" (assuming it is the window's duration) to solve these problems. Yes, a lot of this is in Bluehole, but Microsoft should not have allowed the game to be released on its platform in this state, apart from the holidays. And to go one step further and make the only game that is automatically bundled with each unit of your hugely powerful Xbox One X is this disaster? That is almost a cruel joke.

Fortunately, this last patch solves at least the main problems of the port, but in general, this has been bad news. No Halo: The Master Chief Collection wrong, but it certainly is not what everyone wanted to see in spite of everything.

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